You are a BEAVER !!! (use A and D to move !!!)

Destroy TREES !!! (using E!!!) to Build DAMS !!!! (using R!!!) 

Stop the flow of water !!!! before you get too MAD !!!

created for trijam #232 in just under 3 hours !!!

time breakdown !!

- now I knew that idea generation wasn't part of the allotted time, I spent much longer planning out my game, about 40 minutes in total

- about 10 minutes gathering audio

- about 30 minutes on asset development

- about 2 hours in editor, coding and sorting out my audio and assets 

Improvements I'd make:

- Make a more in detail tutorial

- Fix the bug where the player can place dams without having the required wood

- Add a main menu

- Add background music

audio credits:

Running Water:

Tree Breaking:

Dam Building: 


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I really enjoyed your game! It would  be cool if river sound became louder depending on the red progress bar, so that the player could get annoyed with the beaver together :D

omg thats such a good idea!! thank you :)

Fatal bug: You can just press R and the dams will appear even if you don't have the needed wood.

Oh no! Thank you for telling me